Punch list can be viewed from the Punch list dashboard. The screenshot displaying individual punches are shown below,
Color Identification:
Grey color is for Punch saved as 'Draft'
Orange color is for Punch having status 'Open'
Blue color is for Punch having status 'Complete'
Green color is for Punch having status 'Closed'
The Thumbnail link of the document to which the Punch list is associated is displayed at the front of each Punch row. This Preview appears only for Punches which have been created through Viewer on a particular document (Viewer-level Punches). This view along with the link to navigate to the document displays the file name of the document and the number of pages of the document. You can click on this thumbnail link to navigate to the document and view the Punch. if the Punch is created at Project-level the preview will appear as
Clicking any row of individual punch list will open the Punch details.
Screenshot displaying an Open Punch (as viewed by the user who created the Punch):
The above screenshot displays:
Document Link - The Thumbnail link of the document to which the Punch is attached. This Preview
appears only for Punches which have been created through Viewer on a particular document (Viewer-level Punches). This view along with the link to navigate to the document displays the File Name of the document and Revision Number of the document. You can click on this thumbnail link to navigate to the document and view the Punch. This Preview remains blank, like
if the Punch is created at Project-level.
Punch Stamp - Title of the Punch stamp (which is mainly the requirement or issue to be completed) as well as the punch stamp under which the punch item has been raised
User Name - The name of the user to whom the punch is assigned
To & CC: Email ID of the assigned user and users in CC list are displayed here
Date - The date by which the item should be taken care of (due date of punch with status OPEN) or the date of completion of punch item (punch with status COMPLETED) or the date of closure of punch item (punch with status CLOSED) or the over-due date (if punch has not been completed within the due date). Also displayed is the date of punch creation.
Custom Fields - The custom field data (if any)
Description & Attachment - The description of the item and the attachments (if any). You can download the attachments to your local system.
Comments Section - The creator or the assigned user can enter comments on the Punch item and press the
button to include the comments. Comments cannot be entered on a closed Punch. Attachments can be associated with punch items by clicking the
button. The attachment section display and the process of attachment are same as that of Punch attachment carried out during the creation of punch. The attached documents & photos will be displayed as downloadable objects under the Punch History.
Punch History - This section displays the following -
- When the PUNCH is raised
- The date and time of the various status change for the PUNCH
- The date and time at which the PUNCH got completed
- The date and time at which the PUNCH is closed
- All the comments entered by all the users (creator & assigned user), the name of user and the date & time of comment entry on this particular PUNCH.
Status of the Punch list (whether open, completed or closed)
Screenshot displaying a completed Punch (as viewed by the user who created the Punch):
Screenshot displaying a closed Punch:
Punch list Status:
Draft (Only visible to the user who created the punch item)
If the status is open then user to whom the punch is assigned (assigned user) will be able to view the [Complete] button.
Screenshot displaying an Open Punch (as viewed by the user to whom the Punch is assigned):
The assigned user can click the [Complete] button to change the status of the punch list as 'Complete' if he/she has taken care of the issue given in the punch. Again, if the status is open or complete then user who created the punch will be able to view the [Close] button. The creator can close the punch by clicking the [Close] button (even before it is marked completed). The Project Owner & the Account Admin can also close the Punch, if necessary.
The assigned user will receive email notification once the punch is assigned to him/her. Once the assigned user completes the punch, the creator of the punch will receive a notification stating that the punch has been completed. Then the creator can close the punch.
Clicking [Export] button will download the Punch list catalogs into your local system in CSV format which can be opened in an excel file.