Punch list in SKYSITE can be created at project level and can be annotated on a document i.e. at Viewer level.
If no punches have been created yet then the following screen appears under the My Punch list tab once you navigate inside the Punch list dashboard screen.
You can click on [Create Punch] button at the middle of the above screen to create a new Punch. Otherwise, click on [Create Punch] button present on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Below is described the procedure to create punch items at Project level:
Punch items can be created by clicking the [Create Punch] button [highlighted by the red rectangle in the screenshot below] present at the top-right hand corner of the Punch list dashboard screen. This is shown in the screenshot below,
The following operations can be performed from this screen:
1. Sort: The Punches listed in row form can be sorted by Create Date & Category in Ascending/Descending order.
2. Export: Clicking this button will download the Punch list (row-wise) into your system in CSV format. The following data fields will be exported:
Punch Stamp, Status, Created By, Created date, Due date, Response date, Assigned To, Copied To ("Separated by comma), "Custom attributes".
3. Create Punch: Clicking this button opens up the Create Punch pop-up box through which user can enter the Punch details.
Once you click the [Create Punch List] button, the following Create Punch pop-up box opens up,
First, you need to select the stamps (which serve as a heading for the punch item enumerating mainly the requirement or issue to be completed) from the drop-down as shown below,
Stamp List: The drop-down displays all the stamps items already existing in the application.
If you want to create a new stamp then you will have to click on the [Add New] button at the bottom of the drop-down. The following fields will appear as shown in the screenshot below,
If you enter 'FC' in the text box named Stamp and then enters Floor Cleaning in the text box named Stamp Text and click on the button then the Stamp will appear on the drop-down as,
Other fields displayed are:
Assigned To (mandatory field): By clicking the
button, you can select the email address of the users to whom you want the punch to be assigned. Only one email address can be selected at a time. The Punch list details along with the attachments will be received by the concerned user. The list of account users and 'Project Share' recipients who are having edit privilege will be shown in the 'Select users' list.
This means that all employee users of the account who have full access to the project and all users to whom the project is shared with full access (accepted share) can be assigned a Punch for resolution. Users who do not have access to the project or shared users with read-only access cannot be assigned a Punch. The user list will only bring up employee users (full access to account) and shared users with whom the project under which the RFI is being created is shared with full access.
Select any one of the users and click [Save] button to choose the selected user as the assigned user.
This is shown in the screenshot below,
CC: This email selection field is enabled (i.e. you can select email ID of contacts in this field) only after the selection of the email ID of the Assigned To user. Multiple users can be selected from the Contact list. User whose email ID is selected as the 'Assigned user' cannot be selected again in the CC list. Also the email ID of user who is creating the Punch cannot be selected in the CC list.
Due Date (mandatory field): The date by which the issue given in the punch list should be completed. The date is selected from the Calendar.
Custom Fields: The total number of custom fields displayed here is decided from the 'Settings' section and a maximum of 5 fields can be there. Alphanumeric characters can be entered within these fields (optional).
Description: The brief description of the issue (optional).
Note: Punch Stamp, Assigned To & Due Date are mandatory fields.
The right-hand side of the pop-up box displays the list of attachments associated with the punch item.
Attach from local system
The files to be attached are chosen from your local system by first clicking the [Add Attachment] button. After clicking this button, the file upload section under the Upload file tab appears. In this section, upload files by clicking either the [Choose files] button to select and choose files for upload from the local computer drive or by dragging & dropping files directly from local computer drive in the space provided.
The following screenshot displays a file selected and chosen from the local system ready for upload [highlighted with red rectangle] along with the attachment count [highlighted with green rectangle]:
Uploading of this file as an attachment to the Punch will be completed once the Punch creation is completed.
Attaching files from Project:
You can attach files from project. For example, if the punch is being created inside the project P-1 then all the documents/photos present inside the Project P-1 will be available for attachment to that particular punch. This is shown in the screenshot below,
You need to click on the respective folder and then select the checkbox beside the documents for selection as an attachment with the punch. This is shown in the screenshot below,
As soon as you select the document, the document is attached with the punch [highlighted with red rectangle] and the attachment count also increases by one [highlighted with green rectangle]. In the screenshot above, the count is 2 because a file from local system is already attached with the punch item previously.
Note: Click the [Back] button to move back to the 'Folder view' screen of the project. You can also search for files for attachment inside the project.
All existing attachments can be viewed by clicking the Attachments drop-down (the number of current attachments is also mentioned). This is shown in the screenshot below,
Note: External files of type photo (jpeg, jpg, png, bmp and tiff) attached to the Punch list from your local system will be uploaded into the Gallery folder of the Project.
After all the relevant selection and information entry for the punch is done, you can click on the [Create Punch] button to create the punch list. A newly created punch will have the status of OPEN.
Also, clicking on [Save as Draft] button will only save the Punch list information in the application but will not send the Punch list to the assigned user. While creating a draft Punch list, Stamp with stamp title, Assigned To field, and Due date is mandatory. A punch saved as draft will have the status DRAFT.
Note: The Draft Punch list will be saved as Private by default (per user) i.e. only the creator of the Punch list can view and edit the Draft Punch list information.
A freshly created punch item is shown in the screenshot below,
The newly created Punch will be visible under the My punch list tab and the All punch list tab.