Users in 'SKYSITE Projects' can share projects to users who already have SKYSITE account and to other users who do not have SKYSITE account. Projects shared to users who do not have SKYSITE account will receive project access invitation in their email. These users will first have to create an account in SKYSITE and then will be able to access the project. You can choose to pay yourself or let the recipient pay for accepting the shared project.
The price for each shared project is dependent on the pricing package selected. If you are sharing a project with the choice that you will pay for the project share and your pricing package is 'Basic' then you will be charged $19. Again, or if you are sharing a project with the choice that you will pay for the project share and your pricing package is 'Professional' then you will be charged $39. if you are sharing a project with the choice that you will pay for the project share and your pricing package is 'Enterprise' then you will be charged $59. For 'Advanced' pricing package the price is customized for project share, as the price is determined based on discussion between customer and SKYSITE project team. If you are sharing a project with the choice that recipient will pay, then the charges levied on the recipient's account will be based on the pricing package selected by the recipient in his/her account. For more information on pricing please refer to the Settings - Account Configuration help file.
Sharing project (paid account)
From the Project Dashboard screen, click on the three-dots icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Project box, then click Share, as shown in the screenshot below,
The 'Share Project' pop-up screen occurs. This is shown in the screenshot below,
If the project has already been shared, then the email IDs of the users to whom the project has already been shared [highlighted in the screenshot above] is displayed at the bottom of the 'Share Project' pop-up screen.
Click the email ID link to expand the project share.
The expanded previous project share is displayed in the screenshot below,
Click [Hide users detail] link to close the share details.
Note: The share editing portion is explained in detail below.
Now, proceed to share the project:
Enter the email of a user either by typing the user email (user may or may not have existing SKYSITE account) or select individual contact(s) and/or group(s) from the ‘Contacts’ module.
Note: Application validates the entered email IDs. Application displays the message “The system is validating the email(s) you entered before sharing” after entering email IDs by typing on your computer keyboard.
Screenshot below displays the ‘Select contact’ pop-up screen with the option to select multiple contact(s):
Screenshot below displays the ‘Select contact’ pop-up screen with the option to select multiple group(s):
As soon as you enter or select the recipient email ID(s) or group(s), the application automatically starts preparing share list. During share list preparation, the [Share] button as well as all other options except ‘selection of expiration date’ remains disabled.
After share list preparation is completed, you can view the individual recipients’ email IDs. All recipient email IDs in groups are displayed individually.
Screenshot below displays the list of users to whom the project is going to be shared:
Select the billing option: Choose "I will pay" so that the user who is sharing the project will pay for the project share or choose "Recipients will pay" so that the user to whom the project is shared will pay to access the shared project.
The billing options used previously to share different projects/folders to a recipient in the share list is displayed beside the user. You will not be able to change the billing options and no charge is deducted from your account (in case the previous billing option was “I will pay”) or recipient’s account (in case the previous billing option was “Recipient will pay”), although the project is shared to the intended recipient.
For new users to whom no project/folder has been shared previously, the billing option “I will pay” or “Recipient will pay” is enabled. Individual billing option for multiple users cannot be selected. For example, if you have selected 3 new users to share a project then you can select either “I will pay” or “Recipient will pay” for all 3 users together and not separately.
After recipient entering or selection is completed:
o Select the expiration date after which project access will be denied
o Select the access type: Full Access (can download, view, create, edit folders and publish all project documents) or Read Only (can only download and view project documents, no access is given to project management features such as RFIs, Photos, Punches and Submittals) access
Note: In case, ‘Read Only’ option is selected the billing will be disabled.
o Enter any description (optional)
o Click [Share] button to share the project. The following confirmation screen will appear,
The project share amount for each user is based on the pricing package (basic, professional or advanced) selected on the ‘Settings’ screen. The total billing amount is displayed on the screen.
o Click [Confirm] to share the project
Note: If you are an user in the trial period and you have chosen the payment option for project share as "I will pay" then the application will ask you to enter credit card information before it lets you share the project. If you do not enter credit card information then the application will not let you share the project unless you enter your credit card information. But if you are an user in the trial period and you have chosen the payment option for project share as "Recipient will pay" then the application will not ask for credit card information and will let you share the project.
The following scenarios may occur while sharing a project:
Scenario 1:
If you select a user to whom the same project/folder has been shared previously, then application displays the message “Already shared” beside the recipient email address on the ‘share list’ section of the ‘Share Project’ pop-up screen. This is shown in the screenshot below,
Scenario 2:
If you select a user who is the account owner or employee user (account user), then application displays the message “Account owner”/”Account user” beside the recipient email address on the ‘share list’ section of the ‘Share Project’ pop-up screen. This is shown in the screenshot below,
The application will not let you share a project with account user because that project is already available to the account user.
Accepting a project
Recipient will receive an email notification to accept the project. This is shown in the screenshot below,
Click [Accept project] button and the recipient will be redirected to the SKYSITE login screen. If the recipient does not have SKYSITE account then he/she will have to create a SKYSITE account and proceed to accept the project.
The project is displayed under the share project tab of the 'Project Dashboard' screen of the recipient's account. This is shown in the screenshot below,
Click [Accept] button to accept the project. The following message is displayed "Are you sure you want to Accept this Project request ?".
Click [Yes] to complete the project acceptance
In case, the project is shared with "Recipient will pay" option, then recipient is charged for accepting the project. The 'Confirm acceptance of shared project' screen appears as shown below,
Recipient will click [Confirm] button to accept the project. Charge is deducted from the recipient's account as per the pricing package selected from the 'Settings' screen of the recipient.
Screenshot below displays the accepted project:
Alternatively, click [Decline] button to reject the shared project.
For a shared project, you can only view the Project information from the [More details] button, you cannot do any other operation.
Re-share a project:
You can re-share a project which has been shared to you only in read-only mode.
Screenshot below displays the sharing of an already shared project:
Project sharing and accepting for users in trial period
Users in trail period cannot share and accept projects without entering credit card information. The application will ask for entering credit card information before sending or accepting project share.
Users with trial expired will not be able to share the project as the sharing option will not appear on the project thumbnail. This is shown in the screenshot below,
Users (who do not have SKYSITE account) accepting project - free shared user
Users who do not have SKYSITE account will receive an email notification that a project has been shared to him/her. The recipient will be redirected to the SKYSITE new user registration screen when he/she clicks the email notification link. After creating a new account, recipient will be able to accept and access the shared project. If the project is shared with "I will pay" then only recipient will be able to access that project, otherwise if the project is shared with "Recipient will pay" option then he/she will not be able to accept the project without entering credit card details.
The recipient will only be able to access the shared project but no other features of the application. Hence, this type of user is called 'Free shared user'. Whenever he/she tries to create a project, upload a file or perform any other task application will ask him/her to either convert to a trial user or a paid user (by entering credit card details). Please check Try & Buy Registration for New Users help file for more details on free shared users.
Edit previously shared projects
After you open the share project pop-up screen of a specific project, click the [email ID & name] link of the previously shared user is visible.
This link is highlighted in the screenshot below,
Click the link to open the previously shared user details.
This is shown below,
Click the link Edit shared link and the following screen appears as shown below,
The [Edit] button appears for previous sharing of a project, when the project has been accepted or pending acceptance. For projects which have not been accepted yet (with status 'Pending'), you can resend the share invite to the same recipient by clicking the [Resend] button. The recipient will get a notification in his/her mail to accept the same project available under Invited project dashboard.
- Click on
[Delete] button to delete shared project access (with status 'Pending', 'Accepted'. 'Declined' or 'Expired').
Click on
[Edit] button of a shared project with status 'Pending'. The following section appears,
You can change the access type from 'Full access' to 'Read only' access or vice-versa. Also, you can change the project expiration date. The recipient of the project is automatically notified through email.
Now, click on
[Edit] button of a shared project with status 'Accepted'. The following section appears,
You can change the project expiration date but you cannot change the access type since the shared project has already been accepted by the recipient.
For shared project with expired status (which has not been accepted by the recipient) you can not only remove the shared project but can also re-share the project to the same user (you cannot change the user but can change the access type & decide who will pay). The re-share is achieved through the [Share Again] button. This button is shown below,
So, once you click the [Share Again] button, the Share popup appears through which you can share the project again to the same user (here you cannot change the user to whom the project is being shared but can change the access type & who will pay).
After this project is re-shared to the same user by clicking the [Share] button, when you open the share history section, you will find the share history of the just now re-shared project where the [Share Again] will not appear because you have already re-shared the project to the same user. The expired project meaning the project has not been accepted or declined within the project expiration date will not have any edit option since the project has not been accepted or declined (responded to) within the stipulated time period.
For shared project which has been declined by the recipient, you can only remove that project share. This is shown below,
Note: If for any reason credit transactions are failed, corresponding accounts should be changed to suspended account and allow the sales / customer support to call and handle manually.