Submittals of all statuses can be deleted from the Submittal list screen. Application records the deletion of a Submittal and displays the same under the project activity section of that project.
Submittal deletion process
- Open the Submittal list screen
- On the opened menu click
[Delete] button beside a specific submittal (which you want to delete)
Application will display a confirmation message stating “Are you sure you want to delete Submittal”
- Click [Yes] button to delete the Submittal.
A confirmation message stating that Submittal deletion is successful is displayed to the user.
After deletion, the application displays the deletion action as an activity on the Project activity > Document activity screen.
Pointers on Submittal deletion
- A user will be able to delete both OPEN & Template based submittals.
- A user will be able to delete Submittals from the device.
- Submittals of all statuses can be deleted.
- RE-SUBMITTED (Only for template based submittal)
- Reviewed (Only appears in template based)
- The following users will be able to delete Submittals:
- Account owner
- Project owner
- Submittal Creator (for OPEN Submittal)
- Submitter
The following users will not be able to delete Submittals:
- Approver (Template based submittal can have multiple approvers)
- Multiple Submittal deletion simultaneously is not allowed
- After deletion, application will send email notification to all concerned users
Email Subject: Submittal [Submittal Number][Submittal Name] has been deleted for [Project Name]
Email Body:
Project: [Project Name]
Submittal [Submittal Number][Submittal Name] has been deleted from SKYSITE Projects by [Name of user that deleted Submittal].
Thank you,
SKYSITE Projects Team
Email Recipients: Submittal Creator, Approver, Submittal Cc’d Users
- Application records the deletion of a Submittal and displays the same under the project activity section of that project (Project activity – Document activity)
- Not required to check delete logic for each and every user action in Submittal pop-up.
- After deletion, submittal assignment count will be reduced in assignee end.
- Deleted submittal will not appear in search result.
- Deleted submittal will not appear in the export list.
- After deletion, server will push one change set for device for this activity.