On reaching the Documents screen of a collection, user can view the folder structure (in tree format) within the collection on the right-side of the screen. Once user clicks (selects) a folder on the left-side of the screen, all the files within that folder are displayed on the right-side of the screen. By default, all files at the root level are displayed on the left-side when user first navigates to the Documents screen.

On the left-hand panel, user can upload files (no upload option will be there at root level i.e. when the collection name is selected on left-side panel) choose to search for various files (using file information and use advanced search using file attributes), can choose to change the file grid view (choose which attributes of files are to be shown on the grid) & also can share files.

Also, user can click the [More options] button to perform various operations on the files.

Screenshots below displays the 'More options' menu through which user can perform various types of operations on the files (first lot):

Screenshots below displays the 'More options' menu through which user can perform various types of operations on the files (second lot):