Importing contacts
Contacts can be imported from an excel sheet (CSV file) into the application by clicking on the [Import] button. The three steps to completely import any excel file is to first Select the file, map the fields and then finally import the contact list into the application.
Steps to import Contacts:
- Click on [Import] button to open the Import Contacts screen.
- Once the screen opens, click on [Choose Files] button to select a file from your system. Also, you can open a Dialog Box in your system, select a file and then drag & drop the file within the space outlined by the dotted line on the Import Contacts screen.
Note: The application will display an error if the excel column data is inconsistent with the system requirement.
The screen with an uploaded file is shown in the screenshot below,
- Click [Next] to move on to the next screen for mapping the excel file column data with the mandatory field info required to save a contact detail in the application.
The Map fields section is shown in the screenshot below,
- Select whether you would like to skip or overwrite any duplicate records already present in the application by clicking on the Skip or Overwrite radio-button respectively.
Map your fields: This table is where you can map your data with the required field headers of the application. The Header column contains the column names of each column of the excel file, the Your Data column contains the data under each column in the excel file and the Map To column contains the drop-down from where you can select the field name which is to be associated with the respective data under the Your Data column. Please refer to the screenshot above for a better understanding.·
- Select the appropriate field from the drop-down (the list consists of all the fields present under the Add Contact screen) present in each cell under the Map To column against the suitable data cell under the Your Data column.
- Click [Import] button to initialize the importing process.
This is shown in the screenshot below,
The Import Summary section of the screen opens after the Contacts are loaded in the application displaying the number of Contacts found in the file and the no. of contacts successfully uploaded. The difference between these two counts occur if the system fails to import any row data due to data corruption, blank column value, wrong column heading etc. This screen is displayed below,
- Click [Close] to shut the Import Contacts screen after successful import of the contacts list.
Exporting contacts
- Click on [Export to csv] to copy the contacts present in the application to an excel sheet that can be saved in the user system in CSV format.
Example of an exported contact list is displayed in the screenshot below,