The Contacts Module available in the application is used for entering a new contact, modifying information of an existing contact, export contact list into an excel sheet and import contacts from the local system (user’s computer) to the application. You can choose to view Contacts under specific Companies or Groups by clicking on the Companies or Groups button [highlighted by the green oval in the screenshot below]. Also, you can choose to view the contacts in list or grid view.
The Contacts screen can be accessed by clicking on the Contacts button [highlighted by the red rectangle in the screenshot below] present on the top portion of the Project Dashboard.
Screenshot displaying the Contacts screen:
All the Contacts present in the application under the current logged-in user is displayed under All section of the Contacts screen. This screen opens by default.
- Click on
[More details] button to share, edit and/or delete individual contacts.
- Click on the
[Share history] button to view the share history of individual contacts. The count displays the number of Projects associated with that individual user.
Screenshot displaying the more details section:
Screenshot displaying the Share history section:
On the Share history screen user can search for the project, sort the view by create date or project name, export the share history in a CSV format. User can also re-share the project (if the project is expired) by clicking on the [Share Again] button. At last user can click on the [Save] button to save any changes done on the Share history screen.