You can list down Submittal details row-wise in a CSV file or in an excel sheet and SKYSITE will map out the Submittal Number, Submittal Name, Submittal Type and Due Date with column headings. Each row represent a Submittal item and the column headings are needed to be mapped only once with Submittal headers in SKYSITE.
Click Import Submittal Items button on the Submittal Dashboard screen
The Import Submittal(s) pop-up screen appears. This is shown below,
Select a CSV or XLS/XLSX file from the local system and upload the file on the Import Submittal(s) pop-up screen by dragging & dropping the file or clicking [Choose file] button. This is shown in the screenshot below,
Click Next to move towards mapping the excel file headers with the submittal fields and also attach a workflow with all the submittal items in the excel sheet. This is shown below,
Map the excel sheet or CSV file column headers (left column named Headers) with the header names provided by the application under the Map tocolumn. You can map a column header with Submittal Name, Submittal number, Submittal type & Submittal due date selected from the drop-down. If any of the excel sheet header does not match with the headers provided by the application, then you can select the column heading None.
Screenshot below displays a completely mapped screen:
The excel sheet of CSV file name and the number of submittal item records on the sheet are displayed on the top right-hand corner of the screen [highlighted in the screenshot above].
Click Add Workflow button to proceed choosing the workflow to be attached with the imported file
This is shown below,
Click on any workflow thumbnail to associate the project workflows (workflows present under Project workflow(s) tab) with all the submittal items in the imported file and then proceed to associate approvals authority with the submittal items
This is shown below,
After selecting all the approving authority, click [Apply] button to move to the import submittal screen
The Import Submittal screen is shown below,
Application will accept submittal numbers which are unique (system will validate with submittal numbers of existing submittal items in the project), application will fail submittal which have duplicate numbers (a message is displayed).
In case, there are duplicate submittal numbers identified by the application then an error message is displayed at the top. This is shown in the screenshot below,
The count of successful submittal items which have been imported and the count of failed submittal items which have not been imported are also displayed beside the error message. In case, all the submittal items are imported successfully then a success message is displayed at the top of the screen.
Note: The application validates if any Submittal item with the same number present inside the project is already present in the imported file. If a match is found with the Submittal number then that submittal item is not imported (import failed) and an error message is displayed.
Facility to export all success and failure submittal items in CSV format is also given.
Download] button to download the import file and check the failed submittals items.
Screenshot displaying the remarks for the failed submittals on the imported sheet:
This is a chance to modify the duplicate submittal numbers and start the import process again such that the error is corrected in the second importing chance.
Click Done button to complete the importing process
After a submittal is created, the status of a submittal item before submission to the first approval authority will be OPEN.
Note: Standard workflow templates (application provided) will not be available for use during import.