RFIs can be viewed from the RFI Dashboard screen. The screenshot displaying the RFI Dashboard [one individual RFI is highlighted by a red rectangle] is shown below,
The screen has three tabs: All RFI, My RFI & RFI Assigned to Me.
Each row displays individual RFI details:
The Thumbnail link of the document to which the RFI is attached. This Preview
appears only for RFIs which are been created through Viewer on a particular document (Viewer-level RFIs). This view along with the link to navigate to the document displays the file name of the document and 'Revision Number' of the document. The user can click on this thumbnail link to navigate to the document and view the RFI annotation. This Preview remains blank, like
if the RFI is created at Project-level.
The RFI Title [entered in the Subject textbox on the Create RFI pop-up box]
The RFI Number [generated by the application and associated with the RFI, the starting RFI number is entered on the Settings pop-up box and then incremented by one. For example, if the starting RFI number is 1 and the current RFI is the third RFI created in the application then the current RFI number will be 3.
The due date and the number of days within which the RFI needs to be responded to.
The attachment count which means the number of documents attached with the RFI
The download button (available under the more options button), clicking which will download the RFI (in report format) along with the attached documents in a consolidated PDF document in your local system.
The delete button (available under the more options button), clicking which will delete the RFI. You can only delete an open RFI (but not yet responded), re-opened, voided & overdue RFI (not responded yet).
If Status is Open – then Due date of response is displayed
If Status is Close – Then Closing Date & Time is displayed
If Status is Void – Then Voiding Date & Time is displayed
If Status is Reject – Then Rejection Date & Time is displayed
If Status is Draft – Then Last modified Date & Time is displayed
If Status is Re-opened – Then Re-open Date & Time is displayed
The name of the user who has been assigned the RFI for query answering
The date & time of last comment entry and the name of the user who commented
The status of the RFI (whether it is Open, Replied, Closed, Rejected, Void or re-open)
Clicking on the any of the row will open individual RFI details. The screen will appear according to the status of the RFI. If the status of the RFI is OPEN and it is being viewed by the user to whom the RFI has been assigned for query resolution then the screen will look like below,
The RFI Assignee will view the assigned RFI under the RFI assigned to me tab.
Details of the pop-up box are provided below [numbering given for identification]:
Header Level Details: The RFI Number (generated by the application although you can enter a new number from 'RFI settings', as and when new RFIs are created within that project, the RFI number gets incremented by one), the title of the RFI, the name of the user who created the RFI, the email address of the user to whom the RFI has been assigned, the email address of the users in CC list, due date, the number of days within which the RFI needs to be responded to and the current status of the RFI.
Edit: You can click this link to change/modify the existing RFI subject or title.
The RFI creator can edit the RFI subject/title of RFI of any status (open, re-opened, responded, closed, rejected, voided & overdue).
Question: The main question to be answered as entered by the creator during the time of RFI creation.
RFI Number: This number is generated by the application although you can enter a new number from 'RFI settings', as and when new RFIs are created within that project, the RFI number gets incremented by one (also this number is displayed at the top of the pop-up box). The custom field names are also displayed here. Clicking on the
arrow will display the RFI details entered in the Create RFI screen along with the attachments.
Reply: Enter the answer and click the [Reply] button give answer to the RFI.
Void RFI: Clicking this button will mark the RFI as void i.e. the request entered in the RFI is invalid. The creator can mark the RFI as void. In case of, presence of duplicate RFIs you can mark the RFI as void.
Close RFI: Clicking this button will close the RFI. The creator can close the RFI. This button is clicked if the answer to the RFI query has been found to be satisfactory or even before the creator has received any answer to the query.
Add Attachments: Similar to attaching documents during creation of an RFI, you can attach documents from local computer and from the inside the project within which the RFI is created.
Comments: The creator, assigned user, users in CC list and forwarded user can enter comments on the RFI query and press the
button to include the comments on the History section. Comments cannot be entered on a closed, rejected or voided RFI. Attachments can be associated with RFIs by clicking the
button. The attachment section display and the process of attachment are same as that of RFI attachment during the creation of RFI. The attached documents & photos will be displayed as downloadable objects under the RFI History.
RFI History: This section displays the following -
When the RFI is raised
The date and time of the various status change for the RFI
The date and time at which the RFI got forwarded and to whom and when
The date and time at which the RFI got answered
The date and time at which the RFI is closed
All the comments entered by all the users (all users – creator, assigned to user, users in CC list, forwarded user), the name of the user and the date & time of comment entry on this particular RFI.
Reassign button: You can click on the [Reassign] button to change the assigned user. The following section appears once you click this button,
The creator & the assigned user can re-assign the RFI to any user from the Contacts section. If the RFI is re-assigned then the original user to whom the RFI has been assigned will only be able to view the RFI and enter comments. The original assigned user of the RFI will be transferred to the CC list. Also, the creator can reassign the RFI only before he/she receives any response from the assigned user.