This section provides you with explanation of various features on the 'Files view' screen. This screen appears immediately after you navigate inside a normal folder. The screenshot with numbering (each of which described later) is shown below,
Nested folder: This is a nested folder inside a folder at root level. You can create any number of nested folder inside a folder at root level. The number at the top of the folder (as shown in the screenshot above) indicates that the folder contains unpublished file(s).
Published file thumbnail (PDF): This is the thumbnail view of a PDF file existing inside the folder (uploaded and published). You can click this file thumbnail to open the file on the Viewer application. Also, the count of hyperlinks and markups already drawn & saved on the document is displayed under the file thumbnail.
File thumbnail: This is the thumbnail view of any file other than PDF. You can click on the file thumbnail to download the file on your local system.
Create folder: Click this button to create a new nested folder inside the current folder. Please refer to Creating folder help file for more details.
Upload File: Click on this button to upload one or more files inside the folder from your local system. Please refer to Uploading & publishing documents help file for more details.
Sorting files: Click this button to display the documents in ascending or descending order. The order depends on the file name, ordinal number, revision date, discipline & create date. The ascending order makes the file with the name starting with the first letter of alphabet (e.g. – a) or the lowest number (e.g. – 0) appear first and the file with the name starting with the last letter of alphabet (e.g. – z) or largest number (e.g. – could be any number) appear last and vice-versa for the descending order. The application makes comparison and decides on the view order based on the existing files within the current folder.
View unpublished item(s): Click this button to view only unpublished files inside the folder (uploaded but not yet published).
Select Option: Click this button to enable the Select mode. Once the ‘Select’ mode is enabled you can click on file thumbnails to select those files.
Screenshot displaying the Select Mode:
Two files are selected as shown in the above screenshot. [Highlighted by the green rectangle]
Click Export to CSV button to download the file header information (e.g. – Document Name, Sheet Description, Revision Number etc.) [Highlighted by the red rectangle in the above screenshot].
Click Select all Files to select all the files inside the folder at one go [Highlighted by the green rectangle in the above screenshot].
Click Clear Selection to disable the Select Mode. [Highlighted by the blue rectangle in the above screenshot].
Click Back button to go back to the instance before Select Mode. [Highlighted by the red rectangle in the above screenshot].
[More options] button to perform various operations on the selected files. (E.g. – Send, Download with or without markups, Order Prints, Delete & Move). Please refer to File operations details help files for more detailed information.
Export to CSV: Click to export all file information (e.g. – Document Name, Sheet Description, Revision Number etc.) to your computer.
Switch View Option: Click this button to switch views of the screen from grid view to list view or vice-versa. The original screenshot with number shown above are displayed in grid view. Screenshot below displays the screen in list view.
The difference between the two views is not only the display but also the various file operation buttons in list view are displayed as icons beside each file whereas in grid view various file operations buttons are displayed under the [More options] menu (displayed at the top right-hand corner of a file thumbnail).