You can view the details of shared history of each project separately on the ‘shared history’ screen. This functionality is project-wise and you can access the shared history or each project separately but not altogether.
This screen displays the records of projects & folders (within that project) shared to various recipients by you and other users of this account. You can choose to view the history of links (related to file, photo, folder, gallery/album) shared to various recipients by you and other users of this account. Again, you can choose to view project, folder and link shared & received based on who send the share invitation or to whom the share invitation is sent.
Access: Go to Project dashboard screen > Enter inside any project > Click Project activity button present on the left side-bar of the screen.
Once you click the Project activity button, the Document activity and the Shared history buttons appear.
Screenshot displaying the Project activity button:
Alternate Access: Click on [More Details] button and then click on [Shared history] menu button.
This is shown in the screenshot below,
Click [Shared history] button to open the shared history screen.
Screenshot displaying the Shared history screen:
The left-hand side of the screen displays each event of sharing a project, folder or link separately, whereas, the right-hand side of the screen displays the filtering options for the user.
Each project, folder or link sharing event displays the user who shared the item, the user to whom the item is shared, the date & time of item sharing, the date of item share invitation expiry, the type of payment option (i.e. whether sender will pay or recipient will pay) and the access permission (i.e. whether the project or folder is shared with read-only or full access permission).
You can view the status of share invitation which are either accepted, pending or expired. For items shared with status pending invitation, you can resend share invitation by clicking the [Resend] button.
Project share history
You can view each event of project shared by you, other users of the account or project accepted by you, other users of the same account.
Note: You can view project share history only if the Share Project(s) checkbox is enabled on the right-hand side of the screen.
Screenshot displaying a project share event:
Click on
button to change access permission from full access to read-only or vice-versa. You will get this change of permission button only for share invitations which are accepted or pending to be accepted/rejected.
Screenshot displaying the change permission drop-down:
Click the drop-down [highlighted by green rectangle in screenshot above] to change the access permission of a project from full access to read only or vice-versa
Edit the date [highlighted by red rectangle in screenshot above] to change the share expiration date
After making any changes click [Save] button to make the changes
Click [Show email message] button to view the email message send for share invitation
Click [Remove share] button to terminate the share i.e. return recipient’s permission to access the shared item. This is applicable even after the recipient has accepted the share invitation.
View any comments entered during the time of sharing.
You can click on the down-arrow on each share event to view the share details.
Screenshot displaying a project share details:
Note: You can share again the Project link if the shared project event is shown expired by clicking the [Share Again] button.
Folder share history
You can view each event of folder shared by you, other users of the account or folder accepted by you, other users of the same account.
Note: You can view project share history only if the Share Folder(s) checkbox is enabled on the right-hand side of the screen.
Screenshot displaying a folder share event:
In case of folder sharing, the details displayed are similar to project sharing details. The comments and the [Show email message] & [Remove all shares] buttons are displayed.
Screenshot displaying folder share details:Note: You can share again the Folder link if the shared folder event is shown expired by clicking the [Share Again] button.
Link share history
You can view each event of link download for file(s), folder(s), photo(s) & gallery/album(s) shared by you or other users of the account.
Note: You can view project share history only if the Send Link checkbox is enabled on the right-hand side of the screen.
Screenshot displaying a file link share event:
In case of folder sharing, the details displayed are like project sharing details. The comments and the [Show email message] & [Remove share] buttons are displayed.
Screenshot displaying link share details:
Click on
button to change the download link expiry date.
Click [Show email message] button to view the email message send for link share invitation
Click [Download] button to download the file(s), folder(s), photo(s) & gallery/album(s)
Filtering options
The filtering option lets you filter various shares on project share type and based on who send the share invitation or to whom the share invitation is sent.
Screenshot displaying the filtering option:
The filtering option lets you view project/folder share or link share together or separately. You can drill down further to view only project share or both folder share or both. Again, the filtering option lets you view only file download link, only folder download link, only photo download link, only gallery/album download link, all at a time or at any combination.
For share options, you can drill down to view share invitation of project or folder or both send by account user(s), send by you, send to any of the account user(s) or send to you. The user-based segregation is not application for ‘send link’ option.
You can view share history from the time when account is created, of last week, last month, yesterday or any date chosen from a calendar.
Screenshot displaying the shared history display filtering options: