The document activities involve entering a project, leaving a project, viewing documents, creating folders, uploading files etc. The project shared history screen displays the history of project shared (along with recipient details) and folders shared (folders present inside the project)
Access: Go to Project dashboard screen > Enter inside any project > Click Project activity button present on the left side-bar of the screen.
Once you click the Project activity button, the Document activity and the Shared history buttons appear.
Screenshot displaying the Project activity button:
Alternate Access: Click on [More Details] button and then click on [Document activity] menu button.
This is shown in the screenshot below,
You can view any activity related to a project by any user of that project (including account owner, employee users, shared users). The document activities involve entering a project, leaving a project, viewing documents, creating folders, uploading files etc.
Click [Document activity] button to open the document activities screen
Screenshot displaying the Document activity screen:
As you can see from the above screenshot, individual Activity details are displayed on the left-hand side of the screen, while the Activity summary is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.
Activity summary
The Activity summary section segregates the types of activities and provides summarization of the list of activities. For example, if one user has created three folders and another user has created only one folder in the same project, then the application summarizes the information as “4 Folder(s) created by 2 user(s)”.
Screenshot giving a closer look at the list of activities:
The Activity summary section possesses three tabs: Recent activities, Daily and Custom.
Tab Description:
1. Recent activities: Summary of activities under this tab are displayed by default. All activities performed during your current log-in and your last log-in sessions are displayed under this tab. Also, activities performed by other users inside the same project on their last login are displayed under this tab. The segregation of each summary activity is displayed on the left-hand side.
2. Daily: Summary of daily project activities are displayed under this tab. You can select a specific date and view the summary of activities on that date.
Screenshot displaying the daily summary activities tab:
Click on the
[Calendar] button [highlighted by the green rectangle] to select the date.
By default, the present date is selected for viewing the activities; hence once you click on the calendar button and select a different date, the details and summary of activities for that date is displayed. For example, if you change the date to say 25th July 2022, which is say, 5 days before the current date; the application displays the details and summary of 25th July 2022 on the Activities screen. The segregation of each summary activity is displayed on the left-hand side.
3. Custom: Summary of project activities falling within a specific user-selected date range are displayed under this tab.
Screenshot displaying the custom summary activities tab:
Click on the
[Calendar] buttons [highlighted by the green rectangle] to select the start and end date of the date range.
By default, the start date is selected as the month start date and the end date is selected as the current date. Hence, the application displays a list of summary activities falling within the first date of the current month and the current date. You can change both the start and end date to make the application fetch a summary of activities performed by the user within the specified date range. For example, if you change the start and end date to say 1st August 2022 and 2nd August 2022, the application displays the details and summary of activities performed by the user between the 1st and 2nd August, i.e. for 2 days. The segregation of each summary activity is displayed on the left-hand side.
Note: Click on [Export to CSV] button to download the list of activities in CSV format to an excel file in your system. This button appears whenever there is data on the screen.
Activity Details
This section (on the left-hand side of the screen) displays the details of all the activities separately. The activities are shown on the screen depending on the tabs selected under the Activity Summary section. Hence, the details of activities performed during the current log-in and last-login by any user of the project (when Recent activities tab is selected) are displayed. The details of activities performed on a specific date (when Daily tab is selected) or within a specified date range (when Custom tab is selected) of any user of the project are displayed.
Screenshot displayed a single activity detail:
The name of the user who performed the activity, what the activity is and the date & time of the activity performance is displayed for each activity.
Incisive View:
Click on any of the summary activities and the detail of each of the activities comprising the summary is displayed in the Summary Details section.
The screenshot depicting one such event is displayed below,
Click on the Summary Activity of file upload falling within a specific date viz. “1 user(s) entered into project 8 times” [highlighted by the red rectangle in the screenshot above].
Outcome: The segregated view of the details of the summarized activity is displayed on the left-hand side of the screen [highlighted by the green rectangle in the screenshot above].
Note: A “View Details” link appears for specific activities, namely, File Upload, File Download and Print Order.
Screenshot displaying the “View Details” link for a file upload activity:
Click on the “View Details” link to view the list of documents uploaded in a folder.
The following screenshot displays the list of files uploaded along with their names and revision number: