PST Filter Search Details
PST files are Outlook Data Files whose full form is Personal Storage Tables. These files can be stored in SKYSITE Archives Collections and need a special filter to search out the files.
Example of a search performed using PST Filter:
- Click on the
(Search icon) to open the Search pop-up box.
- Enter the search keyword within the Global Search textbox. For this example, the search keyword entered is 'boundary'.
- Select the Module within which the search will be restricted.
- Select Custom Attribute checkbox and then enter or select appropriate Custom Field within the attribute as per your requirement.
- Click on
(PST Filter button) to view enter data within the filtering options.
These options are shown in the screenshot below,
- Fill up the fields - From (the email of the user who had send the mail), Body (the main textual body of the email), To/CC (the email of the user to whom the mail has been send directly or email ID in CC), Subject (subject of email), Attachments(name of the attachment associated with the email), Sent Date (the date on which the email has been send)
- Click on
(Search button - present at the bottom of the Search pop-up box) to view the search results fetched by the application according to the search keyword entered.
- Alternatively, click on
(Close PST filter button) to return back to normal search.
Screenshot below displays the Search Results:
The search result will display the name of the PST file and the name of the Collection under which it exists.
What you can do with the search results?
- You can open the email on MS Outlook by clicking on the Email name link.
- You can click on
(Download File button) to download PST file within your local system
- You can click on
(View File button) to view the email within outlook.
The opened up email is shown in the screenshot below,
The attachment present with the email can also be downloaded.