Checking In Files
After you finish working on the particular Collection, check-in and make the file publicly available. If the file is not checked-in, the other user with permission won’t be able to work on that particular file if required. A file needs to be checked in to the application only if it has been checked out before. A file before check in i.e. in check out state can be viewed in the application. You cannot check in a file if it has been checked out.
Follow the given procedure to check in the selected file(s):
Select the already checked out files from the specific folder in the list of Collection Files.
Click on
(More button) at the top right-hand corner of the screen. A number of options within a menu appear.
Click Check in files menu item. The Check in Collection file(s) screen appears. This is shown below,
File name section
The selected files that you want to check in are displayed in the grid section.
Click [Choose] button to select the file to be checked in from your local system. After you upload the revised/modified file from the local system the status of the file changes to 'Selected'.
Click [Choose All] button to select all the checked out files viewable in the grid section to be checked in simultaneously.
Revision Info section
Enter the Revision Name. This name will be associated with the original file name to identify that the file content has been revised and the revised file has been checked in to the application. An extra revision of the file will be created in the application and the latest version of the file is shown in the file grid. The previous version can be accessed from File information > File history/revisions tab.
Enter the 'Comments' which are to be made in favor of the changes made. The comments may include what changes were made or why the changes were made etc.
In the end, click Check in and the selected file(s) gets checked in.