New User Registration

If you are a new user and do not have SKYSITE Archives account you need to register first to access SKYSITE Archives. Follow the given procedure to register.


1. Reach the Sign in screen and then click the Register button. The Create Account screen appears.


2. Create Account section

  • Enter your first name in the First Name text box.

  • Enter your last name in the Last Name text box.

  • Enter your e-mail id in the Email ID text box. This will be your sign-in ID.

  • Select the state from where you belong or where your office is located (US states only)

  • Enter you Phone no.

  • Enter a password in the Password text box. This will be your sign in password.

  • Select the checkbox of the CAPTCHA to confirm that you are not an automated bot


  • After entering all the information click on 'Create Account' button to complete the registration as a new user to SKYSITE.


Screenshot displaying the Create Account screen:


After creating account you will move to the SKYSITE Common Log-in screen. From that screen you need to click on [Activate Archives] button to activate and start using the SKYSITE Archives application.

Note: If you already have a different account, then you can click "Sign in" link to move back to the Sign in screen for accessing SKYSITE using different credentials.