Normal Hyperlink
Hyperlinking feature is used for easy navigation between documents, between pages of multiple documents or between pages of same document by creating links between document pages.
You can insert hyperlink in the document through the Viewer in the form of THREE shapes:
You are provided with the option in the tool-bar to select the preferred shape of the hyperlink.
Creating hyperlink
Click the Hyperlink option in the tool-bar [highlighted by the red rectangle in the screenshot below]. This leads to opening up of the Hyperlink Menu bar.
Click to select the ellipsoidal shape [highlighted by the green rectangle in the screenshot above]
Click on any portion of the document and then drag the mouse pointer to draw the hyperlink shape on the document. As soon as you finish drawing, the Link to pop-up appears as shown in the screenshot below,
If you like to change the position of the shape, then single-click on the shape, hold the mouse pointer and drag the arrow around and then release the mouse pointer at a position of the document where you would like to place the shape.
Also, you can stretch & contract any of the four end points of the shape to change its size
Through the Link to pop-up box you can select the destination document. This pop-up box displays all the folders, files inside the project where the current document exists. You can choose the destination page as any page of the source document (where the hyperlink is being created), any page of any document existing inside the project (within which the source document exists) be it inside any user-created folder or system-created folders like 'Latest documents' folder.
Note: Hyperlinking is a project-wise feature and documents from other projects in the account will not appear on the Link to pop-up box.
Lets say you want to link to page number of 2 of multi-page file which exists inside an user-created folder.
Click on the
sign beside an user-created folder to navigate inside that folder on the Link to pop-up box
The files for linking will now appear on the Link to pop-up box. This is shown below,
Click on any file to select that file as the destination file.
The button beside a file means that the file is a multi-page file.
Click on the
button to open the menu where each page is shown separately. This is shown below,
- Click the
button at the top left-hand corner of the pop-up box to move back one level.
- Use the search text box to search for the desired destination document. Enter more than 1 character to search. Unpublished & shortcut of files are excluded from search.
Now, click on 'page 2' to create the hyperlink on page 2 of a multi-page file
The Link to pop-up box now changes to Jump to pop-up box which displays a preview of the destination document page. This is shown below,
Hence, your hyperlink is now created on the desired destination document.
Click the [Change Link] button to change the link, that is, select the destination document as another page of the current document or select another document altogether. The pop-up again reverts to the Link to pop-up box.
[Delete] button to delete the created hyperlink.
Saving the hyperlink
After you create the hyperlink there are two ways you can save the hyperlink.
First method:
Click the [OK] button on the Jump to pop-up box to close the pop-up. The pop-up box will disappear and only the hyperlink annotation shape will remain where it is drawn on the Viewer.
Then, click the [Save] button [highlighted on the screenshot above] on the Viewer to open the 'Save markup name as' pop-up box. This is shown below,
Enter the name of the hyperlink on this pop-up box and click [Save] button to save the hyperlink
Note: Uncheck the checkbox to make the hyperlink private meaning that it will only be visible to the user who created the hyperlink and not to other users of the account.
Second method:
Click on the destination document preview and the 'Save markup name as' pop-up box will appear. This pop-up box is shown below,
Enter the name of the hyperlink on this pop-up box and click [Save] button to save the hyperlink
After you save the hyperlink it will appear under the 'Saved hyperlink' drop-down as well as the 'Saved markup' drop-down present on the top of the Viewer.
Viewing and accessing saved hyperlinks
Click the 'Saved hyperlink' drop-down [highlighted with red rectangle on the screenshot below] to view all the saved hyperlinks drawn previously on the document.
Now, click on the recently drawn & saved hyperlink row [highlighted with green rectangle on the screenshot above] to make the hyperlink annotation shape appear on the document
Note: This icon [Toggle markup view ON/OFF] means that the annotation shape is visible on the Viewer and this icon
means that the annotation shape is hidden from view. You can click on the saved annotation row to make the hyperlink shape appear and disappear.
After clicking the saved hyperlink row the hyperlink annotation shape [highlighted in the screenshot with green rectangle] appears on the document. This is shown below,
Click on the hyperlink annotation shape to open the destination document preview on the Jump to pop-up box. This is shown below,
Note: The preview only appears if the checkbox is 'Enable hyperlink preview' is enabled from project settings. This is shown in the screenshot below,
Click on the destination document preview to navigate to the destination document. The destination document will open in a separate tab on the same browser tab. This is shown below,
The saved hyperlink is also displayed under the 'Saved markup' drop-down.
Click the 'Saved markup' drop-down [highlighted with red rectangle on the screenshot below] to view & access the saved hyperlink as well as other saved markups on he document. This is shown below,
Now, click on the recently drawn & saved hyperlink row [highlighted with green rectangle on the screenshot above] to make the hyperlink annotation shape appear on the document
Note: You can delete a saved external hyperlink from preview pop-up screen and from the 'Saved hyperlink' drop-down and 'Saved markup' drop-down. But you cannot change the link of a saved external hyperlink.
Note: The [Toggle markup view ON/OFF] icon in the 'Saved hyperlink' drop-down supersedes the same button in the 'Saved markup' drop-down. This button in the 'Saved markup' drop-down is useful when the hyperlink is saved in a group with other markup(s). In that case, you can toggle the only the hyperlink view ON/OFF from the 'Saved hyperlink' drop-down and toggle the view the of other markup(s) ON/OFF from the 'Saved hyperlink' drop-down.
Note: If you create a hyperlink with a document present inside the latest documents folder and then upload a new revision of that destination document,
Into a folder, leading to automatic update of that document in the latest documents folder, then the hyperlink will point to the updated version of that document.
Into a folder, which will not lead to any update of that document version in the latest drawings folder then there will be no change in the hyperlink and the hyperlink will point to the older version of the document present inside the Latest Documents Folder.
If you connect the link to a file in the latest documents folder then updated versions of the document will contain the link.
Note: You can save multiple hyperlinks together as group and the count of the hyperlinks saved together as a group is displayed in the 'Saved hyperlink' drop-down. Also, you can save one or more hyperlinks together with other markups.
External Hyperlink
Users can copy & paste or manually type external website URLs and hyperlink the URL to any other document in the project through the application Viewer.
The text box where you can paste or type external links exists on the Link to pop-up box. This is shown below,
Copy/paste or manually type an URL of an external webpage. For example, copy/paste or type [this is shown in screenshot above]
Click [Ok] button to close the Link to pop-up box
Now, click on the hyperlink annotation shape to open the external link preview. This is shown below,
If you want to delete the link click the [Delete] button or you can click on [Change link] button to change the link, then click [Ok] to close the preview.
After that click [Save] button on the Viewer and the 'Save markup name as' pop-up box will appear.
Enter a name of the external hyperlink and click [Save] button to save the external hyperlink.
After you save the hyperlink it will appear under the 'Saved hyperlink' drop-down as well as the 'Saved markup' drop-down on the top of the Viewer. From these drop-downs you can access the saved external hyperlinks on the document.
Now, click the hyperlink annotation shape to view the preview of the destination URL. This is shown below,
Click on the link of the preview to open the external website in a new tab of your browser
Note: You can delete a saved external hyperlink from preview pop-up screen and from the 'Saved hyperlink' drop-down and 'Saved markup' drop-down. But you cannot change the link of a saved external hyperlink.
Delete individual hyperlink(s) saved with other markup(s) as a group
You can now delete individual hyperlink(s) saved with other markup(s) as a group.
Process example of deleting individual hyperlinks saved in a group with other markups:
Draw & save 2 markups and 2 hyperlinks together as a group
Screenshot below displayed the drawn and saved group consisting on two markups and two hyperlinks:The hyperlink count of the group is displayed on the ‘Saved hyperlink list’ at total level and at individual level [highlighted with green ovals in the screenshot above].For the example used here the count is 2.
Note: Although the count at total level is the total number of hyperlinks drawn & saved on the document but for the example used here no other hyperlink has been drawn and saved in this document except for the 2 hyperlinks saved in the group.
Click on any one of the two hyperlinks to open the Jump to navigation box
Screenshot below displayed the Jump to navigation box with a ‘Delete’ button [highlighted with green rectangle in the screenshot below]:
Click on the [Delete] button to delete the individual hyperlink saved in the group with other markups
Screenshot below displayed the two markups and one hyperlink without the deleted hyperlink:
The hyperlink count is reduced by one [highlighted with green ovals in the screenshot above] and the current count of hyperlink for the example used here is reduced to 1.
Only the account owner and the creator of the hyperlink has the permission to delete hyperlink.
Also, if hyperlink preview is not enabled from project settings then individual hyperlink deletion functionality is disabled.
Toggle view of markup(s) saved together with hyperlink(s) as a group
User can now toggle viewing of markups saved together with hyperlinks as a group. User can save hyperlinks with other markups together in a group and then can do the following:
Choose to view only the hyperlink(s) and hide the other markup(s), saved together as a group, from the ‘Saved markup list’
Choose to view only the other markup(s) and hide the hyperlink(s), saved together as a group, from the ‘Saved hyperlink list’
Choose to view and hide all the markup(s) & hyperlink(s), saved together as a group, using the [View all]/[Hide all] button
Note: Punch, Photo & RFI annotation toggle feature is not there.
Process example of viewing and hiding saved markup(s) together with a hyperlink as a group:
Draw two markups and a hyperlink on the Viewer screen after opening a document on the Viewer
Screenshot below displays the two drawn markups and one drawn hyperlink before saving:
Click [Save] button to name & save the two markups and the hyperlink together as a group
Screenshot below displays the saving of the markups and the hyperlink as a group:
The two saved markups and the hyperlink are displayed as group under the saved markup list
Screenshot below displays the saved markups and the hyperlink as a group under the saved markup list:
Click the [Toggle markup view ON/OFF] button to hide the two markups from view, but the hyperlink will remain in view
Screenshot below displays only the hyperlink as the other two markups are now hidden:
Click the
[Toggle markup view ON/OFF] button again to make the two hidden markups appear again.