This section provides you with explanation of various features on the 'Folder view' screen. This screen appears immediately after you navigate inside a project. The screenshot with numbering (each of which described later) is shown below,

  1. Latest Documents folder: This folder consists of a copy of the latest version of the documents already uploaded & currently existing in the application. Multiple versions of a document may have been uploaded by various users in the same project, but the application keeps a copy of the latest version of the document inside the 'Latest Documents' folder. Hence, you will always be able to find the latest version of a document inside this folder. Details on this folder can be found in Working with Latest documents help file.

  2. Gallery: You can upload all construction site images inside this folder. You can create separate albums & upload images inside those albums. Images uploaded as attachments with Punch, RFI & Submittal are stored in this folder. Details on this folder can be found in Accessing & understanding gallery screen help file.

  3. Project emails: All emails synced from outlook are stored in this folder. Details on this folder can be found in Project emails (Email Archival) help file.

  4. Normal folder (included in latest documents): This is a normal folder created by an user inside the project within which you can upload & publish documents. A copy of the latest version of all documents are included inside the 'Latest documents' folder. These versions are created when a newer or updated version of the document is uploaded (with Revision No. updated by one - this Revision No. is updated during the time of publishing the document). Please refer Include/exclude folders/files - Latest Documents help file for more details.

  5. Normal folder (excluded from latest documents): This is a normal folder created by an user inside the project within which you can upload & publish documents. Even if updated versions of an existing file inside the folder is uploaded (Revision No. of the updated version is set when publishing the file) these updated versions are not included inside the Latest Documents folder. Please refer Include/exclude folders/files - Latest Documents help file  for more details. 

  6. Autosave auto-hyperlink button: Click this button to automatically save hyperlinks detected on callouts of project plans. Please refer Auto-hyperlink functionality help files for more details.

  7. Create folder button: Click this button to create a new folder inside the project. Please refer Creating folder help file for more details.

  8. Folder Sorting option:  Click this button to sort the folders in ascending or descending order. The order depends on the folder name or create date (whichever you select). The ascending order makes the folder with the name starting with the first letter of alphabet (e.g. – a) or lowest number (e.g. – 0) appear first and the folder with the name starting with the last letter of alphabet (e.g. – z) or largest number (e.g. – could be any number) appear last and this vice-versa for the descending order. The application makes comparison and decides on the view order based on the existing folders within the project. The Latest Documents, Gallery & Project email folders always appears first because these are system-generated folders.

  9. Manage file order: Click this button to modify the application-generated ordering of all the files present within all the folders of the currently accessed project. Please refer Manage file order help file for more details.

  10. View unpublished item(s): Click this button to view only unpublished files inside the folder. This is shown in the screenshot below,

You can only, download, publish or delete an unpublished file.

  1. Export to CSV: Click this button to export all file information (e.g. – Document Name, Sheet Description, Revision Number, Discipline, Is Published etc.) associated with each folder to your computer in a CSV format, viewable through an excel file.

  2. Folder tree: Click this button to view the hierarchy of folder structure inside a project. This is shown below,

You can click on any folder on the 'folder tree' and in the background that screen will open.

  1. Navigation link: Move your cursor to the link and it will expand. You can navigate to previous levels i.e. at the top folder level or project level screen via this link.

  2. Switch views: Click this button to switch views of the screen from grid view to list view or vice-versa. The original screenshot with number shown above are displayed in grid view. Screenshot below displays the screen in list view.

The difference between the two views is not only the display but also the various folder operation buttons in list view are displayed as icons beside each folder whereas in grid view various folder operations buttons are displayed under the [More options] menu (displayed at the top right-hand corner of a folder thumbnail).