You can set ordering of file display on the 'Folder view' screen through the Manage file order screen. 

Screenshot below displays the [Manage file order] button on the 'Folder view' screen:

  • Click the [Manage file order] button to open the Manage file order screen. This screen is shown below,

Each file inside the folder is displayed on this screen with a system-generated ordinal number. For example, if there are only two files inside a folder, out of those two files, the file which has been uploaded first, will be displayed first in the screen with an ordinal number of 1 & the second file will have an ordinal number of 2. You can change the position of file display on the 'Folder view' screen by directly changing the ordinal number or moving the file up and down along the screen.

  1. File List: Displays the list of files present within all the folders of the current project.

Changing file order: Method 1

  • Tick the checkbox beside each file name to select the required file for moving these files up and down according to your suitability. For example, select the file A2.1 by ticking the checkbox beside the file name. The [Edit] button will now appear. This is shown in the screenshot below,

  • Click the [Edit] button to open the Manage ordinal number pop-up box. This is shown in the screenshot below,

The pop-up displays the current ordinal number of the file which is 5 (as in screenshot above). You can enter any number and click [Change] button to change the ordinal number of the file, hence moving the file to that position. 

  • In the example, enter 1 and the file is moved to the first position. 

This is shown below,

As the file remains selected, three buttons appear at the top of the screen [highlighted using green rectangle as shown in screenshot above]. you can click the [Save] button to save the ordinal number change, click the [Edit] button to again change the ordinal number or click [Cancel] to discard the change made.

Changing file order: Method 2

  • Tick the checkbox beside each file name to select the required file for moving these files up and down according to your suitability. For example, select the file A1.1 by ticking the checkbox beside the file name. Currently, the file is at position number 2.

  • Now, click the [Move up] button to move the selected file above the file before it by one position. The file ordinal number changes to 1. This applies to multiple files.

The new position of the file is displayed below,

You can now click on [Save] button to save the changes in ordinal number.

  • Similarly, you can click on [Move down] button to move the selected file, below the file after it by one position. The file ordinal number changes to 3. This applies to multiple files.

  • Click [Deselect all] button to deselect the files.

  1. Select by Discipline: Select any one of the radio-buttons (present beside each discipline) to display only the files with the selected discipline. After selecting any one of the radio-buttons, you can click on [Reset] button to remove the selection of discipline.