You can share folders to users who already have SKYSITE account and to other users who do not have SKYSITE account. Projects shared to users who do not have SKYSITE account will receive project access invitation in their email. These users will first have to create an account in SKYSITE and then will be able to access the project. You can choose to pay yourself or let the recipient pay for accepting the shared project.
The price for each shared folder is dependent on the pricing package selected. If you are sharing a folder with the choice that you will pay for the folder share and your pricing package is 'Basic' then you will be charged $19. Else, if you are sharing a folder with the choice that you will pay for the folder share and your pricing package is 'Professional' then you will be charged $39. Or else if you are sharing a folder with the choice that you will pay for the folder share and your pricing package is 'Enterprise' then you will be charged $59. For 'Advanced' pricing package the price is customized for project share, as the price is determined based on discussion between customer and SKYSITE project team. If you are sharing a folder with the choice that recipient will pay, then the charges levied on the recipient's account will be based on the pricing package selected by the recipient in his/her account. For more information on pricing please refer to the Settings - Account Configuration help file.
Sharing a folder (with 'I will pay' option)
Navigate inside a project and then click on the [More options] button (of a folder to be shared) to open the folder operations menu.
This is shown in the screenshot below,
Click [Share folder] button to open the 'share folder' pop-up screen.
This screen is shown below,
Enter the email of a user either by typing the user email (user may or may not have existing SKYSITE account) or select individual contact(s) and/or group(s) from the ‘Contacts’ module.
Note: Application validates the entered email IDs. Application displays the message “The system is validating the email(s) you entered before sharing” after entering email IDs by typing on your computer keyboard.
Screenshot below displays the ‘Select contact’ pop-up screen with the option to select multiple contact(s):
Screenshot below displays the ‘Select contact’ pop-up screen with the option to select multiple group(s):
As soon as you enter or select the recipient email ID(s) or group(s), the application automatically starts preparing share list. During share list preparation, the [Share] button as well as all other options except ‘selection of expiration date’ remains disabled.
After share list preparation is completed, you can view the individual recipients’ email IDs. All recipient email IDs in groups are displayed individually.
Screenshot below displays the list of users to whom the project is going to be shared:
Select the billing option: Choose "I will pay" so that the user who is sharing the project will pay for the project share or choose "Recipients will pay" so that the user to whom the project is shared will pay to access the shared project. Here, you have selected "I will pay" option.
If you have already shared the folder to the selected user, then the message "Already shared" is displayed beside that user's email ID. If you are sharing the folder to a user who is an account user then the message "Account user" will be displayed beside that user's email ID. The application will not allow you to re-share the same folder to whom the folder has already been shared before share expiration. Also, the application will not allow you to share the folder to an account user because that user already has full access to the folder.
For new users to whom no project/folder has been shared previously, the billing option “I will pay” or “Recipient will pay” is enabled. Individual billing option for multiple users cannot be selected. For example, if you have selected 3 new users to share a project then you can select either “I will pay” or “Recipient will pay” for all 3 users together and not separately.
After completion of recipient entry or selection:
Select the expiration date after which project access will be denied
Select the access type: Full Access (can download, view, create, edit folders/files inside this folder and publish all documents inside this folder only) or Read Only(can download and view this folder documents only) access
Note: In case, ‘Read Only’ option is selected the billing will be disabled.
Enter any description (optional)
Click [Share] button to share the folder.
The following confirmation screen will appear,
Since, you are sharing this folder with only one user the charge deducted is $39 (package selected is Professional from Account settings). If you have shared it with 3 users then total price would have been $39 * 2 = $78.
Click [Confirm] button to share the folder with the intended recipient.
Note: A user in trial period cannot share the folder with "I will pay" option unless that user enters the credit card details before sharing.
The folder share details are displayed in the Shared history screen.
You can view details of the folder share, status of shared folder acceptance, change the expiration date or share access type (from full access to read-only or vice-versa), view the email message, resend the share, view the billing option ('I will pay' or 'Recipient will pay'). resend the share invite (only before folder acceptance), remove all previous shares of the folder or each share of the folder separately (before or after project acceptance). Please refer to Shared history help file for more details.
Recipient will receive email notification on the folder shared. The recipient can navigate to SKYSITE log-in screen through the email link of the shared folder and then after entering SKYSITE can reach directly to the shared project acceptance/rejection preview (the shared folder is present inside the project) on the Project Dashboard - Shared Project tab screen of his/her account.
Screenshot below displays the shared project acceptance/rejection preview as viewed by the recipient:
Recipient will have to click on the [Accept] button to accept the shared folder. Recipient can click
[Decline] button to remove the shared folder.
Recipient will be able to view the project within which the shared folder exists. He/she will not able to do anything with the project except view project information. Also, he/she will only be able to access the shared folder inside the folder and will not be able to view any other folder inside the project.
Screenshot below displays the project under which the accepted folder resides:
You can only view project information and mark a project as favorite for a shared project.
Click the project thumbnail to navigate inside the project to view the shared folder.
The shared folder is shown in the screenshot below,
Recipient will be able to view the shared folder details in the Shared history screen in his/her account. Recipient will have access to all the files inside the shared folder. Recipient can download the folder content with or without markups, can order prints, send the download link of the folder (internal or external) and share the folder to another user in read-only mode.
Screenshot below displays the operations which can be performed on a shared folder:
Re-share a folder:
Recipient of a shared folder can only share the folder in read-only mode. The 'Share' pop-up screen opens after user clicks the [Share folder] button on the More options menu:
The process of re-sharing a shared folder is same as sharing a normal folder. There will be no billing because the folder is shared in 'Read-only' mode.
Sharing a folder (with 'Recipient will pay' option)
The initial process of sharing is similar to when you share with 'I will pay' option. You will have to select the 'Recipient will pay' option during the time of folder sharing. This is shown in the screenshot below,
The difference occurs when the recipient proceeds to accept the shared folder.
The folder share details are displayed in the Shared history screen.
You can view details of the folder share, status of shared folder acceptance, change the expiration date or share access type (from full access to read-only or vice-versa), view the email message, resend the share, view the billing option ('I will pay' or 'Recipient will pay'). resend the share invite (only before folder acceptance), remove all previous shares of the folder or each share of the folder separately (before or after project acceptance). Please refer to Shared history help file for more details.
Screenshot below displays the shared project acceptance/rejection preview as viewed by the recipient:
Recipient will have to click on the [Accept] button to accept the shared folder. Recipient can click
[Decline] button to remove the shared folder.
A confirmation screen asking the user to accept the shared folder appears after recipient clicks the [Accept] button. This is shown below,
If the recipient is trial user, then he/she will have to add credit card details (for converting the trial account to paid account) before the application lets him/her to accept the shared folder. If the recipient is a paid user then the [Add credit card] button will not appear on the Confirm acceptance of Shared project screen.
Click [Add credit card] to add credit card details.
After credit card is added, recipient is redirected again to the project acceptance confirmation screen. This is shown below,
The price of the shared folder depends on the pricing package selected by the recipient in the Account settings screen. Recipient will be able to view the shared folder details in the Shared history screen in his/her account.
Click [Confirm] to accept the folder after adding credit card.
The project within which the accepted folder exists is shown below,
Click the project thumbnail to navigate inside the project to view the shared folder.
The shared folder is shown in the screenshot below,